Nuclear medicine

Nuclear medicine is a medical speciality concerned primarily with the diagnosis of disease through the use of radioisotope labelled substances. Unlike other specialities such as radiology, nuclear medicine studies the functional part of tissues and can detect abnormal metabolic behaviour at very early stages of disease, making it important in the early diagnosis of cancer.

In addition to cancer, nuclear medicine is also very important in the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of other diseases, such as heart, gastrointestinal and neurological diseases. It also allows us to assess the response to treatment once it has started.

Our nuclear medicine department has a PET-CT scanner, a device that combines two technologies in a single scan: Positron Emission Tomography (PET) + Computed Tomography (CT), located at the Vila Parc Clinic.


  • Sra. Laura Pujol Gallego
  • Sr. Tomás Isidoro Palmerín
  • Lda. Margalida Galmes Vellibre
  • Dra. Maria Pilar María Miragaya

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