Obesity surgery
Patients who undergo these surgeries experience a remarkable improvement of various disorders derived from obesity such as:
- Respiratory distress and mobility
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Quality of life
More information
If you are interested in obesity surgery, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Gastric sleeve / Tubular gastrectonmy
lntervention time: 1 h 30m -
Gastric bypass
lntervention time: 2h 30m
Pre-operative period
- Standard: Electrocardiogram, X-r and general blood test
- Compulsory pre-operative tests for the intervention
- Endocrinology and psychology consultations
- Gastroscope
- Hormonal and metabolic analysis
- Days in hospital: 5 - 7 days
- Post-operative recovery time: 2 -3 weeks alter the intervention
- General
Further check-up
- 0-12 days post-operative period.
- Surgery and Endinocrinology
Additional services:
Personal assistant
*Request on demand (accommodation for accompanying persons, transport, etc.)